Please remember that the person making booking on our website accepts all the terms and conditions of My Itinerary UK (See booking Conditions). DEPOSITS & TICKETS ARE NEITHER NON-REFUNDABLE (Terms & Conditions May Apply). Please check all the details in the email & on the documents attached (if any) are correct i.e., name, destination, flight details, prices etc. If any detail is incorrect, it is your responsibility to inform us within 2-3 hours of receiving the email. If you do not inform us, we (My Itinerary UK) will assume that the information in this email is correct, and will not be responsible for it. Also it is you responsibility to send us a confirmation within 48 hours. Only after receiving the email confirmation, we will send further documentations and you will receive your PDF of your flight or the hotel itinerary or combine (where applicable). There are basically three modes of payment accepted.
1.         Debit card (no extra charges)  

2.         Credit card

3.      Cash deposit in our bank account (no extra charges)

PASSPORT, VISA REQUIREMENTS – You are responsible for checking all these items